Saturday, November 2, 2013

Forensic Organizations in other countries

Netherland, Forensic Institute

The Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) is an agency of the Dutch ministry of Security and Justice and comes under the Directorate General Administration of Justice and Law Enforcement. The NFI consists of eight scientific departments and seven Head Office departments.

Estonia, Forensic Science Institute

The Estonian Forensic Science Institute is a state agency established on 1 January 2008 and administered by the Ministry of Justice. The institute was formed as the result of the merger of two agencies, the Estonian Bureau of Forensic Medicine and the Forensic Service Centre.

By year 1996 Forensic Service Centre had become a central forensic institution that was able to serve the whole Estonia. Due to several reorganisations and structural changes that had taken place in the history of forensic science in Estonia, the legislation in the area of forensic science was splintered end contradictious. Several different laws regulated the area. Together with stability there grow a need to regulate and to unify forensic activity, to determine the lega1 status of forensic expert and to ensure availability of specialists by creating a database of officially certified experts. Due to huge development of science end technology it was extremely important to assure the efficiency and validity of legislation that regulated forensic examinations. Elaboration of forensic Examination Act started in 1996 and the Act was passed on May 30, 2001. The Act entered into force on January 1, 2002.
The main objective in elaborating the Forensic Examination Act was:
1. to assure quality of forensic examination by unifying forensic activity determining legal status of forensic expert and creating a database of officially certified experts;
2. to cut down governmental costs by creating a system of charging the expenses of forensic examination from the convict.
Estonia is one of the few European countries having Forensic Examination Act. German, French and Austrian legislation was used in the process of elaboration.

Hungaria, Institute of Forensic Science

The highly trained staff of our Institute provides scientific analysis and expert evidences to the police and to the administration of Justice since 1961. The Institute is a member of ENFSI (European Network of Forensic Science Institutes).

The accreditation of most routine examinations to ISO 17025 is in progress at the present time.

The HIFS supported by 
Ministry of Interior and it is not available for private citizens. All samples examined must be submitted by law enforcement agencies or courts.
Organizaton chart HIFS


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